Do you run more than one clinic, but need to operate them as one? Ultimo links your clinics securely and reliably, allowing you to access anything you need from whichever clinic you wish.

Up-to-the minute access across your clinics

View clinic-specific patient records, schedule appointments in real time – or access any other Ultimo feature – from whichever clinic you need. Think of it like a remote reception desk for all your clinics.

Smart reporting

Run clinic specific reports or combined reports across your entire business. Compare and contrast activities and performance by clinic for deeper insight and better decision-making.

No more emails back and forth

No need to email patient records or other important data from one clinic to another. Simply switch your view to whichever clinic you need and away you go!

Fast and stable multi-clinic linking

Keep your clinics linked – even when your internet connection slows down or goes down!

Multi-Clinic Solution: Two Practice Set-up

Multi-Clinic Solution: Multiple Clinics

Like what you see?

Contact us now so we can schedule a demo.

Discover today why dentists choose Ultimo Dental Software for their practice.


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